21-23 March 2025 | Business Corner, Linnanmaa, Oulu

Learn. Network. Startup

Join us for an epic weekend of learning new skills, meeting other doers, and building startups!

Learn how to think, work, and build like a startup in 54 thrilling hours. Techstars Startup Weekend is an exciting and immersive foray into the world of startups. Over an action-packed three days, you’ll meet the very best mentors, investors, co-founders and sponsors to show you how to get more done faster - and, maybe even start that Business!

Why join Startup Weekend?

Startup Weekend is your chance to learn how to take any idea from a concept to reality within a matter of days! This event is for you whether you are looking to get introduced to the world of startups and entrepreneurship, learn the process for taking ideas into action, meet passionate entrepreneurs in Finland, build an all-star team, learn new skills to take back to your job, or spend an amazing weekend with like-minded people.

Who is Startup Weekend for?

It doesn't matter what you do or where you come from, Startup Weekend is designed as an inclusive event and program that brings all sorts of people. You can be aspiring or experienced entrepreneur, developers or other tech-related professional, designer of any type, talent with a background business, education, sales, finance, legal, etc., student from university and even high schools, or professional looking to switch career and/or build new skills.

Do I need to have an idea?

If you have an idea for a startup, then great! We hope you pitch on Friday. If you don't have an idea, that works as well. Come and spend the weekend, listen to the ideas being pitched, and see if something strikes your interest! The weekend is all about learning about the startup life and learning from each other. We take good care of you during the weekend. All you need to bring is yourself and your laptop.

What is included in the ticket price?

Your tickets gives you access to the weekend-long event, with an opportunity to pitch your idea, receive personalized team mentoring, participate in workshops on validation and pitching. At the event finals you will get a valuable feedback from the our panel of judges and have a chance to win awesome prizes!

Your tickets also covers an awesome Startup Weekend t-shirt, a free co-working space for the team during the weekend, meals, unlimited coffee and some refreshments for the After Party.

Our schedule

  • 17:00 - Registration

    17:15 - Dinner and networking

    17:45 - Welcome word

    18:30 - Pitches from participants

    19:00 - Voting and team formation

    22:00 - Team work starts!

    Startup Station allows to stay up to 22:00

  • 08:00 - Breakfast

    08:45 - Morning announcements

    09:00 - Validation workshop

    10:00 - Team work

    12:00 - Lunch

    13:00 - Mentor sessions

    17:00 - Dinner

    18:00 - Check-ins

    21:00 - Wrap-up announcements and teams work

    Startup Station allows to stay up to 22:00

  • 08:00 - Breakfast

    08:45 - Morning announcements

    09:00 - Pitching workshop

    10:00 - Team work

    12:00 - Lunch

    13:00 - Tech checks and pitching practice

    16:00 - Early Dinner

    17:00 - Finals start

    20:00 - Post-event networking and celebrations

    Startup Station allows to stay up to 22:00

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